Our Constitution
Maplelawn Baptist Church exists for the sole purpose of glorifying the triune God by every means which He has ordained. Seeking to do all things decently and in order, we establish this Constitution, containing the following articles, to which we voluntarily submit ourselves.
Article 1 - General Statements
While affirming the supremacy of the Word of God, we acknowledge that historical creeds, confessions, and statements of faith have an important clarifying and unifying power in the life of the Church and in the lives of the individual Christians of which it is composed. In this spirit, Maplelawn Baptist Church, does formally align itself with the New Hampshire Confession of 1833.
Having been led as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We commit, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We also commit to maintain family and personal devotions; to educate our children in the teachings and discipline of our Lord; to seek the salvation of our family and friends; to walk with wisdom in the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and Christ-like in our conduct; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior, and to avoid all gossiping, back biting, drunkenness, and excessive anger. Furthermore, while we acknowledge our freedom in Christ, we also recognize that certain behaviors and practices, not specifically prohibited in Scripture, should still be avoided.
We further commit to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and to secure it without delay, being mindful of the rules of our Savior.
And we commit that when we leave from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
Maplelawn Baptist Church was incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan in 1933 as a non-profit religious organization, so that it may own, provide and/or maintain a place of worship (including suitable real estate and buildings), receive, hold and disburse gifts, bequests and funds, and/or do all and sundry things necessary or incident to carry on such purpose.
Article 2 - Membership
According to Holy Scripture, members of the Body of Christ are to be joined to, indentified with, and in fellowship with an assembly of Believers which manifests that Body in a specific locality. This assembly is commonly referred to as a local church.
While the New Testament plainly teaches formal church membership, it knows nothing of membership that does not embrace the concept of fellowship. While membership may be a status to be maintained, and nothing more, fellowship encompasses commitment to faithful participation in the worship, study, prayer, ministry, and support of the local church, as well as submission to its spiritual authority, its doctrines, and its discipline.
Such membership/fellowship is not optional for the Believer, but is the plainly revealed will of God for every child of God. Therefore, such membership is to be entered into with the utmost seriousness and regarded as a solemn obligation, while at the same time it is to be enjoyed as the blessed privilege of the Christian.
The membership of this local church shall consist of baptized believers who have demonstrated their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to the satisfaction of the Elders and who affirm the definition of church membership, are committed to the church covenant, and are in agreement with the New Hampshire Confession as referenced herein.
The Elders shall present such individuals to the congregation. If after a period of consideration of 2 weeks no scriptural objection is raised, the individuals will be received into the fellowship of the church.
Members may also be received by letter from churches of like faith and order.
The purpose of church discipline is to affect a return to a biblical standard of conduct and doctrine in a member who errs (Gal. 6:1), to maintain purity in the local church (I Cor. 5:6), and to deter sin (I Tim. 5:20).
Any member of this church who teaches or insists on holding false doctrine, or persistently conducts himself or herself in a manner inconsistent with Biblical teaching, or who persists in disturbing the unity or peace of the church shall be dealt with as follows, according to Matthew 18:15-18.
It is the duty of any member of this church who has knowledge of an erring member’s heresy or misconduct to warn and correct the erring member in private, seeking his or her repentance and restoration.
If the erring member does not heed this warning, the warning member shall again go to the erring member accompanied by one or two other members to warn and correct, seeking repentance and restoration.
If the erring member still refuses to heed the warning, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Elders, who, upon careful and prayerful investigation, shall tell it to the church, encouraging the congregation to pray for repentance and restoration of the erring member.
If the erring member refuses to heed the warnings of the Elders and the church, he or she shall be dismissed pursuant to the Scriptures and treated as an unbeliever. There shall be no appeal of the discipline process or the dismissal to any court. The congregation shall be encouraged to pray for the repentance and restoration of the erring member. The discipline process will continue to conclusion even if the erring member leaves the church or otherwise seeks to withdraw from membership.
If a member of Maplelawn Baptist Church is found by the Elders to not meet the qualifications of membership as stated above, the Elders may choose to remove his or her name from the church membership rolls. If this happens, the Elders will communicate this action to the congregation.
Any member may seek to have his or her name removed from the membership at any time. After a review, the Elders will grant the request. In this process, the Elders will seek to identify and resolve any open issues which will allow the membership relationship to be restored. In the case where church discipline has started, the termination request will not be granted until the discipline process has culminated.
Article 3 - Church Leadership
While all believers compose “a royal Priesthood” and are therefore able to offer to God sacrifices of praise and service, it is the express will of God for some believers to be consecrated to the particular ministry of local church leadership.
God has established the office of Elder to provide leadership for His Church. At Maplelawn Baptist Church, the office of Elder is filled by the Senior Pastor, other staff Pastors and by Elders from among the congregation. The office of Deacon was established by God to assist the Elders in the ministries of the church
Those who serve and minister in the office of Elder shall collectively and individually oversee, provide for, and encourage the spiritual life, welfare and total ministry of the congregation to ensure the proper equipping of the saints.
The Elders shall consist of those men officially recognized as being biblically qualified to lead the congregation, and each Elder shall remain such, as long as he is faithful to his calling and has the confidence of his fellow Elders and the congregation. The Elders will serves as the Board of Directors of the corporation.
Elders must meet the qualifications as given in Scripture (I Tim. 3:1-15, 5:19-25; II Tim. 2:24-25; Titus 1:5-9).
Duties of Elders:
To be devoted to prayer and the study of God’s Word and sustain a caring ministry for the flock, which involves:
Serving as partners with the Pastor for the church’s spiritual growth
Praying for the sick and visiting the congregation
Overseeing the administration of the Ordinances of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper in accordance with the Word of God.
To teach and exhort as well as refute those who contradict the truth, which involves:
Ensuring that all those that teach the Word of God are properly qualified
Arranging for pulpit supply during the Senior Pastor’s absence
To lead by Christ-like example, which involves:
Consistently modeling spiritual character, attitudes, values and behavior among the members
Providing and inviting the opportunity for frequent and ongoing contact with members
Conducting the affairs of the church in an atmosphere of openness and mutual sensitivity, focusing as much on nurturing the members as on decision making
To oversee the affairs of the church which involves:
Being responsible for the employment, terms of employment, and direction of the pastoral and support staff
Installing the Senior Pastor and/or Pastors who have been selected according to the processes as defined in this document
Approving all subordinate organizations of the church
Approving all applicants for church membership
Maintaining the legal status of the church and ensuring the maintenance of records– including the appointment of official clerks and recording secretaries, as needed
Being responsible to oversee the financial business of the church – including current budgets, ongoing ministry needs, and long-range planning – including the appointment of a Treasurer
Approving nominations for additional Elders
Ensuring that all ministry workers are properly qualified
Conducting meetings of the church, at least quarterly, in order to provide for regular communication of financial position, Elder activities and concerns, and any other necessary business items.
Lead, direct, and oversee the ministries of the Deacons
To perform other constitutional, Scriptural, and general duties of oversight
The selection process of Elders shall be as follows:
At any time during the year, Elders may nominate candidates to the Eldership. A list of those nominated by the Elders shall be presented to the congregationfor a period of consideration of six weeks. During this period, prayerful consideration will be given to these individuals presented. Any scriptural objections to the nominees are to be presented confidentially to the Elders. If no scriptural objection is raised during the six week period, these individuals will be accepted to the ministry of Elder.
Church members shall be encouraged to regularly and confidentially submit to the Elders the names of men whose qualifications are consistent with the requirements set forth in Holy Scripture and recognized as such by these articles. The Elders shall review the individuals nominated in this manner and present a list of approved individuals to the congregation and the nomination process will proceed as described above.
Any new Elder shall be publicly installed at a regular worship service by the Senior Pastor and the existing Elders.
The Elders shall elect a chairman from their membership. Length of terms for the chairman shall be at the discretion of the Elders. The chairman of the Elders will serve as the president and sole officer of the corporation. The chairman of the Elders shall:
Preside over the meetings of the Elders or request that someone preside in his absence
Ensure that the Elders serve the congregation in a balanced and consistent manner, addressing each area of responsibility as outlined in the duties.
As president, the chairman of the Elders shall have the following authority:
Maintain the organizational chart of the church
Be responsible for hiring and firing personnel as agreed by the Elders
Be responsible for the signing of contracts for the church as directed by the Elders. The Elders shall designate someone to countersign on all contracts.
The termination of Elders shall be as follows:
If a sitting Elder becomes unqualified to fulfill the office, the remaining Elders will meet with him and request he resign. If he refuses to resign, the remaining Elders will remove him from the office by a majority vote of the Elders. This action will be communicated to the church, and as appropriate, the discipline process may be commenced.
If a sitting Elder becomes unqualified or unable to fulfill the office, he may seek to voluntarily resign his Elder position at any time. After a review, the remaining Elders will grant the request.
Note: In recognition that the Elders task is significant and is accomplished while continuing care of family and work responsibilities, it is understood that individual Elders may need to take leave of some of the responsibilities of Eldership for periods of time. Such sabbatical times will be arranged through mutual consent of the Elders.
God has placed a great deal of emphasis on the preaching and instruction of His Word. This is most effectively accomplished in the local church by the recognition and support of men who are uniquely gifted by God to fulfill the role of Senior Pastor.
Duties of Senior Pastor:
Give himself to prayer and the study of the Word of God
Preach and expound the Word of God
Administer the Ordinances of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper in accordance with the Word of God
Share in the pastoral care of the congregation along with the other Elders and members of the pastoral staff
Perform the marriage ceremony at his discretion in accordance with the laws of God and the State
Officiate at funerals of members of the church and non-members at his discretion
Together with the other Elders maintain church discipline
Participate in the installation of newly designated Elders
Act as an ex-officio member of all committees and boards
Perform other general pastoral duties as required by Scripture
Under oversight of the Elders, the Senior Pastor shall be free to accept invitations to preach the Word of God to other groups or organizations, provided such engagements do not interfere with the work of the church.
Selection of a Senior Pastor
When the Senior Pastorate of this church becomes vacant, it shall be the duty of the Elders to provide for the pulpit ministry in the interim, and to prayerfully seek a Senior Pastor who possesses the qualifications outlined in the Holy Scripture and recognized as such by these articles.
The Elders shall be free to specify the particulars of the search process, in consideration of unique circumstances and special needs as they occur at any given time, and shall regularly communicate the nature of the process, as well as their progress, to the congregation. Upon reaching the conclusion of this process, the selected Senior Pastor will also proceed through the Elder approval process as previously defined.
Pastor Staff: As needed, potential pastoral staff will be reviewed, selected, and directed by the Senior Pastor and the Elders. If such individuals are to be Elders, they must meet the qualifications of an Elder and proceed through the Elder process as defined above.
Those who serve as Deacons in the church shall be ready to assist the Elders in any service that shall support and promote the ministry of the Word, new and existing ministries of the Church, and the care of the members of the congregation. This will be determined by the needs of the ministry and by the call and qualifications of individuals in the church.
Deacons shall be qualified for the office according to the requirements of Scripture, especially I Timothy 3:8-12.
The responsibilities of the Deacons may include, but are not limited to:
Caring for and maintaining the church properties
Administering a fund to assist the poor and needy and otherwise providing aid in times of crisis and distress
The greeting and welcoming ministries in the church.
Assisting in administering the Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Assisting at fellowship gatherings of the church
Assisting in administering the business of the church that pertain to its material assets
The selection process of Deacons shall be as follows:
At any time during the year, Elders may nominate Deacon candidates. A list of those nominated by the Elders shall be presented to the congregation for a period of consideration of six weeks. During this six week period, prayerful consideration will be given to these individuals presented. Any scriptural objections to the nominees are to be presented confidentially to the Elders. If no scriptural objection is raised during the six week period, the individuals will be accepted to the ministry of Deacon.
Church members shall be encouraged to regularly and confidentially submit to the Elders the names of men whose qualifications are consistent with the requirements set forth in Holy Scripture and recognized as such by these articles. The Elders shall review the individuals nominated in this manner and present a list of approved individuals to the congregation and the nomination process will proceed as described above.
Any new Deacon shall be publicly installed at a regular worship service by the Senior Pastor and the Elders.
The Elders or the Deacons may designate any specific Deacon or group of Deacons to specialize in some particular deacon function. Meetings of the Deacons, or a sub-committee thereof, shall be held as needed to best fulfill their responsibilities.
The termination of Deacons shall be as follows:
If a sitting Deacon becomes unqualified to fulfill the office, the Elders will request that he resign. If he refuses to resign, the Elders will remove him from the office of Deacon by a majority vote of the Elders. This action will be communicated to the church, and as appropriate, the discipline process may be commenced.
If a sitting Deacon becomes unqualified or unable to fulfill the office, he can voluntarily resign at any time. After review, the Elders will grant the request.
Article 4 – Considerations
Maplelawn Baptist Church will indemnify and hold harmless any and all officers, Elders, Deacons, Ministers, Pastors and/or business administrators for any expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with any action, suit or proceeding against said officers, directors, Elders, Ministers, Pastors and/or business administrators. This indemnification shall include costs for attorney fees. This indemnification shall occur as the expenses are incurred and in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, on receipt of the officers’, directors’, Elders’, Ministers’, Pastors’ or business administrators’ promise: (1) to repay the amount advanced it if proved by clear and convincing evidence in court that the officers’, directors’, Elders’, Ministers’, Pastors’ or business administrators’ conduct involved a deliberate intent to injure the church’s best interest, (2) to reasonably cooperate with the church in connection with the action, suit or proceeding.
This indemnification shall be available to any officer, Elder, Deacon, Minister, Pastor, and/or business administrator who is made or thereafter to be made a part to any action, suit or proceeding because of the person’s position within the church. Persons who are officers, Elders, Deacons, Ministers, Pastors and/or business administrators at the time of being made a party, or threatened with being made a party to any action, suit or proceeding, or were officers, Elders, Deacons, Ministers, Pastors and/or business administrators at the time of the event(s) complained of in any such action, suit or proceeding, shall be allowed indemnification. Indemnification will also be available in criminal actions only if it is found that the officer, Elder, Deacon, Minister, Pastor or business administrator had no reasonable cause to believe that the subject acts were unlawful.
Proposed Amendments to this Constitution of this church will be considered by the Elders and presented to the congregation. A period of 30 days will be given for the congregational review of the proposed amendment(s) or change(s). At the end of this time, if no scriptural concerns are presented, the Elders will incorporate the amendment(s) into this Constitution.
No member shall have the right to inspect the church records as to:
The disciplining of any members.
The hiring or firing of any employee.
The need or problems of any member or employee.
The financial contributions of any member.
In the event that circumstances dictate, the Elders can, by unanimous vote dissolve the Corporation known as Maplelawn Baptist Church, with the affirmation of the membership. In this case, the Elders shall make a provision in the dissolution decision to assign the assets of the church to one or more non-profit religious organization or mission agency that would align with the ministry of Maplelawn Baptist Church.